Merchants Benefit from Nexxus Global Rewards Community.
WHAT IS NEXXUS ? Nexxus Rewards is the first global award loyalty technology for bitcoin and other top cryptocurrency. Nexxus Rewards meets people where they are most comfortable today by accepting local fiat currencies and ultimately bringing them to cryptocurrency values. Which types of merchants benefit from the Nexxus Global Rewards Community? If you’re wondering if your retail business would benefit from participating in the Nexxus Global Rewards Community, the answer is yes. Many types of businesses realize tangible benefits from being a part of the rewards community, including restaurants, boutiques, grocery stores, service stations, movie theaters, flower shops, and dry cleaners. Why would a merchant want to participate in the Nexxus Global Rewards Community? Nexxus Rewards creates a win-win-win situation for shoppers, merchants, and the local community. First of all, a merchant that participates in the rewards program benefits from increased brand awareness. The N...