EQ Token will use blockchain technology

Blockchain is still very new to mainstream society. The majority of people think that this is just a type of online currency. We are going to utilise blockchain to help overcome issues with crowd funding. More specifically equity crowd funding. There are many different crowdfunding platforms out there today. One of the first and most well known is Kickstarter. On Kickstarter, people invest in idea that they like, and at each bracket of investment you are offered a reward, usually getting better the more you invest. The reward will be worth less than the amount of investment. If you truly believe in the idea you’re investing in, why not become a part of it? With EQ Token, any investment you make in a company will give you equity in that company and allow distribution of dividends as well as the ability to sell your equity at any time. If you had of invested $10 in Uber in 2009 when they were worth $3.7m, your $10 investment would now be worth over $250,000 as they are now worth over $100b. Imagine if you’d have invested that $10 on Kickstarter and got some type of Uber novelty key chain as a reward???
Equity crowdfunding is the point at which an organization obtains assets from a large number of financial specialists in return for equity in that organization. For individual financial specialists, this implies when they put them into investors in the organization.
What makes this not the same as the different types of crowdfunding? With obligation-based remuneration, gifts and crowdfunding, when you swear financially you don't have a part of that business or organization. With Equity crowdfunding, when you swear or contribute, you become a beneficial investor of the organization and can appreciate the advantages and dangers associated with it.
Given the current pattern in crowdfunding organizations and our rapid extension plan for the end of 2021 / mid 2022, I expect a 100-200% increase in revenue in the second year. This business will expand exponentially because its prosperity depends on the number of people who think about it. Kickstarter income increased by 3-400% every year for the first 4 years after starting and Crowdcube revenue increased by 640% somewhere in the range of 2014 and 2018. We will place intense development in the early years, so we want to see the pace comparative development.
EQ Tokens will be another technique for Equity crowdfunding that will allow even the smallest financial specialists to accept Equity as a result of their speculation. All venture applications on the EQ Token website must present some of them
business for a predetermined cash size. If effectively supported, a token will be generated for this business. This token will be spread evenly among speculators that depend on the size of the venture. Holding this token in your sophisticated digital currency wallet will enable us to send you part of the organization's benefits. You will also get the opportunity to sell your token each time the token is traded only.
What makes this not the same as the different types of crowdfunding? With obligation-based remuneration, gifts and crowdfunding, when you swear financially you don't have a part of that business or organization. With Equity crowdfunding, when you swear or contribute, you become a beneficial investor of the organization and can appreciate the advantages and dangers associated with it.
Given the current pattern in crowdfunding organizations and our rapid extension plan for the end of 2021 / mid 2022, I expect a 100-200% increase in revenue in the second year. This business will expand exponentially because its prosperity depends on the number of people who think about it. Kickstarter income increased by 3-400% every year for the first 4 years after starting and Crowdcube revenue increased by 640% somewhere in the range of 2014 and 2018. We will place intense development in the early years, so we want to see the pace comparative development.
EQ Tokens will be another technique for Equity crowdfunding that will allow even the smallest financial specialists to accept Equity as a result of their speculation. All venture applications on the EQ Token website must present some of them
business for a predetermined cash size. If effectively supported, a token will be generated for this business. This token will be spread evenly among speculators that depend on the size of the venture. Holding this token in your sophisticated digital currency wallet will enable us to send you part of the organization's benefits. You will also get the opportunity to sell your token each time the token is traded only.

About EQ Token
EQ Token will be a new method of equity crowdfunding that will allow even the smallest investor to get equity in return for their investment.
All investment applications on EQ Token website will need to offer up a portion of their business for a specified amount of money. If successfully funded, tokens will be created for this business. These tokens will be evenly distributed among investors based on investment size.
Holding these tokens in your digital cryptocurrency wallet will allow us to send you shares of company profits. You will also have the chance to sell your tokens at any time on our own token exchange.

EQ Token will use blockchain technology as a much better and more efficient way of equity crowdfunding. The benefits of using blockchain from an investors point of view are:
Small investments can be easily tracked and awarded with a proportionate share in the company through the use of tokens
Profit sharing can be evenly and easily distributed to all investors
Investors can also be given voting rights which can be verified by the number of tokens they own in their online wallets (this feature will come at a later date)
These tokens can be privately sold to other investors or sold on our own token exchange at any time.
Token Sale
Token Sale
The EQ20 token will be used to raise funds to help get EQ Token started. There will be 70m tokens sold in total in the EQ Token initial exchange offering for a price of $0.05 per token to help raise $3.5m.
The token sale will last for 30 days and our minimum target is to sell 35m tokens. If we do not reach our minimum token sale target within the timeframe, all funds will be returned to investors.
1m EQ20 tokens will be used for promotional purposes to help increase awareness of EQ Token and what we plan to accomplish (mostly through social media competitions).
There will be 4m EQ20 tokens that will be used to reward participants in our bounty program. These tokens will be paid 1-2 months after the successful completion of the IEO.
The remaining 25m tokens will be kept by the core development team and may be used to pay external contractors
Road Map
November 2019
Release of whitepaper – Completed
January 2020
We will start our advertising campaign through the use of a bounty program in January 2020
Q2 2020
IEO release to sell 70m EQ20 tokens for $0.05/token to raise $3.5m needed to get EQ Token off the ground with enough capital to expand quickly across Europe
Q3 2020
Start to hire EQ Token core team and open UK and European offices
Aim to open offices in the US and further develop the EQ Token team and business
The Team
James Borland – Founder
BEng in aerospace engineering. James has experience working across different engineering backgrounds (Process Eng/ Mechanical Eng/ Manufacturing Eng). James has been involved in small scale investing in the cryptocurrency markets for 3 years.
Samantha Borland – Marketing Director
First Class Bachelors (Hons) in Marketing with experience working in the security industry as well as property development and management
It is currently just the 2 of us trying to secure funding for this start-up with the help of several external contractors that have helped with sales\marketing strategies. As soon as we reach our minimum target in the IEO we will be able to hire a full team to make a proper start on the project.
For More Information Click Link Bellow:
Website : https://www.eq-token.com/Whitepaper:: https://8cd84f28-8000-4b5b-9dee-f2a2c3e22376.filesusr.com/ugd/33ca45_7636886924954932ac8b2732b00da077.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eqtoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eqtoken
Telegram Group: http://t.me/eqtokengroup
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/EQToken
Author: Action2018
ETH: 0x6829173ea71a9E235BEF8d5Dd7FF4F95967c31c2
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